I'm asking you to please help my Grandpa do something about the IOUs, and you can do that at www.socialsecuritysolution.org . "Amber's Alert". Jim_Gries: Amber, our granddaughter's response after finding out about Social Security ....." There are no stocks or bonds or real estate in the trust fund. It has nothing of real value to draw down." --David Walker, Comptroller General of the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO), January 21, 2005. ...
The Bruce High Quality Foundation is a collective based in New York, the official arbiter of the estate of Bruce High Quality, dedicated to the preservation of the legacy of the late social sculptor, Bruce High Quality. .... He recently won the Arte France Cinema award at the 2009 edition of CineMart. In January 2010, Weiler attended the Sundance Institute Screenwriters Lab marking the first time the lab has supported a transmedia project. ...